The Successful Bookkeeper Podcast

“As I was building all these processes in my mind, if I had been documenting them, I would have not had to spend that two years documenting everything after the fact when the team started to come. If...

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“People came to me thinking that I was an expert. They saw the posts that I was posting about bookkeeping for law firms, and they already had buy-in to use my services. So I didn't need to sell them...

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“In the bookkeeping and accounting world, if someone gets sick and that client can't get what they need, they just get back into the universe and another bookkeeper picks them up. So you lose...

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“If it's consistently where you're feeling behind like you can never get on top of your to-do list, that you're always having to reschedule stuff for tomorrow, that's probably a sign that you have...

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“I remember being on Zoom and we saw our colleagues' children, people got personal and talked about the health challenges they were dealing with or that a family member was dealing with. I saw...

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“Money is an energetic source in our world. When you get it, you feel really good, and when it leaves, you feel very bad. That's an energy. That's an exchange.”- Lou ClarkeLou Clarke, who is a CFO...

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“If a majority of your leads come from LinkedIn, that's great, and you should keep doing that. But it doesn't hurt to diversify and to make sure that you have a couple of lead sources to pull in from...

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“My workflow was going to tell me exactly what I needed to do that day. And I very intentionally and very consciously grounded myself into my work and into that routine and into that process, because...

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“I don't see a world where the profession of accounting is totally taken over by AI. There'll always be that need for human touch and validation because we do audits and we need to make sure that we...

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“I put my clients on notice in the first week of December. All of my clients get an email blast so that they know what to expect, and that helps so much. So we are having this conversation now in the...

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