Michael Palmer

“I wrote this book for people who want to learn how to build and run a business, and hopefully not make the same mistakes I made.”- Sandeep Chennakeshu

Starting a new business isn’t easy. It requires...

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“If you can say your 30-second commercial while you’re holding marbles and a glass of water, you can say it at a networking event much more easily.” - Mindy Morrison

It can sometimes feel like we...

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“It seems slightly daunting, but at the end of the day, it is pretty straightforward, and man can bookkeepers add a lot of value to a manufacturing business.”- Shawn Coultice Have you ever considered...

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You don’t know what you didn’t know. And everything that’s living in your head, we’ve got to get it out of there!- Melissa Morris

It is often easy to feel like no one can do what we can do and yet,...

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“If you’re going to work with someone and they’re going to give you access to their client base, they’re really going to have to trust you.”- Jeff Jacobs

Trust is fundamental to any relationship and...

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“You really need to identify your target audience. If you don’t know what market you’re in and who your ideal client is then how can you even begin marketing?”- Amy Anderson

Marketing ourselves isn’t...

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“They depend on us to relate to them important information on how to minimize tax, how to reach their financial goals. If we do it in a more structured way, our clients are going to see the value in...

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“I would say, if you are never really wrong, you are never really right either, you need to put things down (on paper) to get clarity, to move work forward and make things happen.”- Adrienne...

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“That’s the beauty of this industry, you can be as big or as little as you want to be, it’s so scalable.” - Kim Wolfe  

This is the question that has paralyzed more than a few good people when it...

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“No one can do it the way you are doing it, but it doesn’t necessarily mean your way is the best way or the only way.”

-Jamie Van Cuyk

Hiring the right candidate is challenging, often we are better...

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