The Successful Bookkeeper Podcast

We all need balance in our lives and she perfected it.Our guest, renowned publisher, founder & CEO of MomTrends, Nicole Feliciano, did this by understanding her priorities, taking action and making...

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Focus and confidence.Those are the keys to attain success and become the Intuit Firm of the Future Global Winner.

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Productivity, Production & Profitability.They play an important role to a successful bookkeeping business.

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Facebook.It's a powerful tool in bringing together like-minded people to create supportive communities.

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Free.Everybody loves the sound of offers a free, easy-to-use platform for knowledge sharing and idea exchange through the marketing and presenting of the most up-to-date...

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Do you want clients?For those bookkeeping businesses that do, especially startups, it can be challenging to find them.

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It's all about your perspective.

If you think it's going to be a bad day, chances are it will.

You're in control of your attitude and mood.

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Are you THAT bookkeeper?You know, the one that tells her clients to set business goals for the year, but she, herself, doesn't set any?

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Time.It's a precious resource.Yes, if you lose money, you can make it back, but once your time is used, it'll never return.

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Why do you do what you do?Do you run a bookkeeping business only because it makes money?

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